A message from our CEO

“Clara Barton is all about our rich tradition of caring smiles, compassionate hearts, and excellence in personalized patient care!”
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Welcome to our website and let me say what an incredible honor it is to greet you today!

Having lived in Kansas most of my life, I can honestly say this is the best place to live in the state. Our predecessors felt the same and conveyed that sentiment by opening this facility back in 1950. With a long and proud history of faithful service to the community, our goal is to continue to strengthen that record while pursuing opportunities for growth. Your trust and confidence is our most treasured possession and we want to prove to you that this organization offers something special.

Entrusting us with your healthcare will provide you with the type of personalized service that can’t be duplicated. Here, you will feel like you are amongst treasured friends, relatives, and neighbors. The clinical excellence of this type of service shines through our multitude of services including our Inpatient and Swing Bed program, Level 4 Trauma Certified Emergency Room, full-service lab, diagnostic imaging including X-ray, CAT scan, MRI, Mammography, DEXA, PET/CT, Nuclear Medicine and Sonography, and Therapy Services encompassing Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy. Our Family Practice and General Surgery are the front door to our services. With 12 providers ready to care for your needs, I am confident you will be immediately touched by their remarkable ability, backed by state-of-the-art medical equipment and technology. While we are poised to meet the healthcare needs of tomorrow, we are dedicated to you today!

Thank you for visiting our website and giving us the opportunity to introduce Clara Barton Medical Center!


Jay Tusten
President and CEO
Clara Barton Medical Center